Wednesday, April 1, 2020

By Gary Rosenberg

On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the coronavirus as a pandemic.  At that time WHO said, “The virus causes mild respiratory infections in about 80% of those infected, though about half will have pneumonia. Another 15% develop severe illness, and 5% need critical care.” Since then as of March 31, 2020 there are around 200 countries and territories with confirmed cases of coronavirus. Total cases worldwide equal 781,830 or .00010%   Reported deaths of 37,503 or a case fatality rate about 4.7%.  Compare this with the case fatality rate of a pandemic flu, SARS or MERS which had fatality rates of 9%, 10% and 36% respectively.

Who are those most likely to die from coronavirus?  The case fatality rate in the United States is .018%. In the United States  adults 60 years or older were twice as likely to die from complications of coronavirus.  The majority were in there 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.  The youngest were in their 50s. Many lived in health facilities and had other pathologies.

As with any illness the strength of a person’s immune system plays a key role in the severity of the illness.  Here re findings of the CDC:

“Patients with no reported underlying medical conditions had an overall case fatality of 0.9%, but case fatality was higher for patients with comorbidities: 10.5% for those with cardiovascular disease, 7.3% for diabetes, and approximately 6% each for chronic respiratory disease, hypertension, and cancer.32 Heart disease, hypertension, prior stroke, diabetes, chronic lung disease, and chronic kidney disease have all been associated with increased illness severity and adverse outcomes.”

One of the greatest concerns with coronavirus is how fast it is transmitted between people.  It seems  one person who is most vocal about this is Bill Gates:

“In the past week, Covid-19 has started behaving a lot like the once-in-a-century pathogen we’ve been worried about. I hope it’s not that bad, but we should assume it will be until we know otherwise,” Gates wrote in the new paper.  This statement was made March 13 when it quoted the US mortality rate from coronavirus at 3.4%.  As of March 31, the US case mortality rate is .018%.

Gates has also asked for a national tracking system .  At a 2015 TED Talk discussed in a Forbes article , Forbes reported that Gates in anticipating a future pandemic stated that “Following the eventual end of the pandemic, Gates hopes that countries can work together to better prepare for similar situations, including the "need to have the ability to scale up diagnostics, drugs and vaccines very rapidly...the technologies exist to do this well if the right investments are made"

“Viruses like COVID-19 spread rapidly, but the development of vaccines and treatments to stop them moves slowly,” Mark Suzman, chief executive officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said in a statement. “If we want to make the world safe from outbreaks like COVID-19, particularly for those most vulnerable, then we need to find a way to make research and development move faster. That requires governments, private enterprise, and philanthropic organizations to act quickly to fund R&D.”

In fact, Gates has a greater interest in finding and being involved with technological solutions to health problems.  From Politico:
“Over the past decade, the world’s richest man has become the World Health Organization’s second biggest donor, second only to the United States and just above the United Kingdom. This largesse gives him outsized influence over its agenda, one that could grow as the U.S. and the U.K. threaten to cut funding if the agency doesn’t make a better investment case.”

“The result, say his critics, is that Gates’ priorities have become the WHO’s. Rather than focusing on strengthening health care in poor countries — that would help, in their view, to contain future outbreaks like the Ebola epidemic — the agency spends a disproportionate amount of its resources on projects with the measurable outcomes Gates prefers…”

Covid-19 is reacting differently than other viruses and while it has been debunked that it was genetically created it is causing scientists and the medical industry to make some educated guesses. Based on all the research I’ve done I have concluded either our best minds have little idea what they are dealing with and offer only potential and at times risky medical solutions or they are not telling us everything.

While Covid-19 seems to spread faster and more efficiently than viruses in the past there is one consistent factor, “…some people with COVID-19 get incredibly sick, while others escape with mild or nonexistent symptoms.  Age is a factor. Elderly people are at risk of more severe infections possibly because their immune system can’t mount an effective initial defense, while children are less affected because their immune system is less likely to progress to a cytokine storm. But other factors—a person’s genes, the vagaries of their immune system, the amount of virus they’re exposed to, the other microbes in their bodies—might play a role too. “

In fact, as more data comes in we are finding that the strength of people’s immune systems play an increasingly important role in whether and how badly they contract coronavirus or any virus:

“It’s well known that death rates are higher among older people. Only 0.2% of people younger than 19 die. But for people between the ages of 60 and 69, the death rate is 3.6%. It jumps to 8% to 12.5% for those between ages 70 and 79 and 14.8% to 20% percent for those older than 80.”

“Emerging U.S. data confirms trends seen in China and Italy: Rates of serious COVID-related symptoms are higher in those with other medical problems and risk factors, such as diabetes, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic renal disease and smoking. In a U.S. Centers for Disease Control report released on Tuesday, higher percentages of patients with underlying conditions were admitted to the hospital and to an ICU than patients without other health issues.”

As a lung cancer survivor without the use of conventional medical protocols and using only natural healing methods, I see a much bigger picture with regard to the coronavirus.  This virus like all viruses exist in our world are only beginning to be understood.  They seem to survive as something like a parasite requiring a host.   In this case a host is typically an animal whether a bat, some other animal or humans.  Our body is full of viruses which do not affect us or do not affect us until our body and our immune system become compromised in some way.  Our world is in toxic imbalance and therefore, we are out of balance.  Imbalance causes dis ease. In order to heal we need to consider the two most important  things which affect our health:  Toxicity and deficiency.  Toxicity and deficiency are the result of imbalance of the spirit, mind and body.

However, we always have the capacity to heal with the right protocols.  Unfortunately, all too often our conventional medical protocols may cause harm as well as healing.  Many coronavirus patients are placed on ventilators.  What are the potential risks of ventilators?  From the US National Institutes of Health: “One of the most serious and common risks of being on a ventilator is pneumonia.  The breathing tube that’s put in your airway can allow bacteria to enter your lungs.  As a result, you may develop ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).”

We are all familiar with the long list of potential side effects of pharmaceutical drugs prescribed to patients daily.  What we may not know is that 128,000 people die of pharmaceutical drugs every year.

And then there is the potential for human error.  Most of human error tends to be the result of our egos getting in the way of good judgement and good decisions.  Early in the outbreak of coronavirus in the United States the Trump Administration failed to roll out widespread and accessible testing as many of its peers had done.  Add to this problem a testing technology (PCR)  prone to false positives and false negatives. PCR testing is also subject to a very specific step by step protocol followed to insure most accurate results.  Given this complex and challenging situation it is no wonder health workers can find themselves not only overwhelmed but working in the dark.

The forced closures of businesses, schools, public places and the quarantine in countries all over the globe is unprecedented. While we have all become obsessed and distracted with the coronavirus and accepted forced quarantine, we may be missing the most important questions with regard to this real or perceived existential threat: “How could human activity and our environment help in creating this virus?  How might our overly toxic environment which is now destroying our planet create the perfect host for the virus to thrive? If we do not take this opportunity to change our lifestyles, clean up our environment and allow our planet to heal, how many other pathogenic outbreaks might we experience in the future? Are we willing to live in perpetual quarantine?  How will we address those people whose lives financially, emotionally and physically may never recover from this calamity?  Will there be people who take personal advantage of this situation? Will we seek justice and equal recourse for everyone or just the most powerful?  Is this a real or perceived threat?  Does it warrant shutting down whole economies world-wide? What are the lessons we can learn from this experience? Are we interested in asking the hard questions necessary in the search of the truth?

Future posts will attempt to answer some of these questions while others will be left for you to consider. 

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