Tuesday, September 7, 2021


By Gary Rosenberg

For those of you who have been following my posts you might see that my intention has been to inform and prepare all of us for what is unfolding before Humanity and calls to us to respond.

I have attempted to “connect the dots” between what we might call the spiritual world and the physical world we find ourselves in.  My writings are guided by my spiritual Teachers, angels and realm of Truth -from the world we all come from, our Ancient Home.  I do not spend a lot of time thinking about what I should say, Spirit guides me.  This realm we all come from and its guidance and wisdom are available to all of us once we open ourselves to this Truth.  I have written about this before.

We have come to this world in the form of Humans at a troubling time for Humanity.  Humans are a genetically engineered species, the physical form of which was created by the Anunnaki 300,000 years ago with the intention to create slaves to work in gold mines.  I have written about this in my blog.

Humans have evolved since then carrying much baggage from the intentions and limitations of this physical form.  We are greatly influenced by our personal mind and need to awaken to our inner-mind to compensate for these limitations. This inner mind is the Light of God.  This inner-mind is our connection with God.  You see, while we may feel and act as separate from God, we can never really be divorced from God.  We are always connected and only require to renew this connection with the greatest intention.

We as Humans are in our adolescence at a time of great change as we are heavily influenced by ET races who have been here for some time with a personal agenda which does not hold humans in regard other than something which they can use to advance their agenda or discard.  And, these ET races have managed to align themselves with a certain group of humans who view themselves as an elite and have negotiated on behalf of all Humanity without our knowledge. These self-proclaimed representatives of Humans have made some very dangerous decisions which they felt benefitted themselves to the detriment of Humanity.  We see the results of some of these decisions with our dying planet.

Part of what is being experienced by all of us is a continuation of what the Anunnaki began with an increasing effort to make humans easily manipulated yet not without unintended consequences.  There is much collaboration between the ET races and the human elites (most notably, governments, corporations, the medical industrial complex (genetics), universities, militaries and particularly the U.S. military).

I know this is hard to believe and I understand.  However, I along with many others must continue to try and help people see this, so that we Humans, all of us, can respond in a unified manner and resist the effort to destroy our race and our world.  This response requires that the PEOPLES of the world unite.  It does not call out for our governments which are mostly corrupt and being manipulated.

I have called on people to depoliticize.  This is crucial if we have any chance of uniting as the Human Race.  Our political systems, including tribal systems are very seductive and designed to polarize for easy manipulation.  Please try to understand this.

The whole Covid-19 event is part of a bigger agenda to control and limit populations.  The evidence is clear but it is not widespread.  There is an International Lawsuit in the works accusing the perpetrators of this debacle of Crimes Against Humanity.  I understand that for those of you who believe that the virus is an existential threat and that those who have fallen sick or worse have done so because of this virus proving that it exists.  And, that it is your solemn duty as an American to do your part to avert disaster and do as you’re told to do. 

These beliefs are made with good intentions.  However, they have been purposely misled.  The Covid-19 orchestrated event is part of a much bigger agenda beyond our governments, countries, our institutions and our collective Humanity by an elite and powerful group of humans and ET races.

The evidence of this fraud, this massive Crime Against Humanity is obvious once it is exposed to people who objectively see it.  If you have followed the narrative of the great threat of the virus and responded in kind by taking the vaccine, by wearing masks, by distancing, by limiting your contact with people – I understand.  What I am saying here is very hard to accept and this is a normal response to a very difficult truth.

 So, please consider what is disclosed here with an open mind, without fear and with the intention to understand the truth of our world so that all of us can come together as a united Humanity and confront the ‘Beast ‘among us.  The ET races and the self-appointed human elites cannot continue their agenda if enough of us demand they stop, dismantle their destructive infrastructure and leave.

The article below by Jon Rappoport is a must read.  This is simply the latest disclosure of the Covid-19 fraud that our corrupt governments refuse to see, let alone consider.  We have a CALL TO ACTION.  We must all demand our legislators both locally and nationally undertake a full and transparent investigation with community involvement into this whole orchestrated Crime Against Humanity.

When you have time I highly recommend you watch this interview with Dr. Peter McCullough.  He makes an excellent case that the Covid-19 virus (or whatever was causing sickness) could have been controlled and averted 85% of deaths with early intervention which was shut down by the CDC, the FDA and the medical establishment.

I ask that you not make any judgments about what has been discussed and the information below.  Let the information settle within your inner-mind and allow an answer to what this means for you to respond.


CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns     by Jon Rappoport

They confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus; they “contrived” a model by pretending to find what they wanted to find; it’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy

This is the con and the crime that drove millions of lives, and economies, into ruin

by Jon Rappoport

September 1, 2021

The CDC has issued a document that bulges with devastating admissions.

The release is titled, “07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.” It begins explosively:

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”

Many people believe this means the CDC is giving up on the PCR test as a means of “detecting the virus.” The CDC isn’t saying that at all.

They’re saying the PCR technology will continue to be used, but they’re replacing what the test is looking FOR with a better “reference sample.” A better marker. A better target. A better piece of RNA supposedly derived from SARS-CoV-2.

CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.

In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect. Actually, that statement is too generous. Every test result of every PCR test should be thrown out.

To confirm this, the CDC document links to an FDA release titled, “SARS-CoV-2 Reference Panel Comparative Data.” Here is a killer quote:

“During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. Yes, it’s unbelievable, right? And that’s the test we’ve been using all along. So we CONTRIVED samples of the virus. We fabricated. We lied. We made up [invented] synthetic gene sequences and we SAID these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, without having the faintest idea of what we were doing, because, again, we didn’t have an actual specimen of the virus. We had no proof THERE WAS something called SARS-CoV-2.

This amazing FDA document goes to say the Agency has granted emergency approval to 59 different PCR tests since the beginning of the (fake) pandemic. 59. And, “…it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: Each of the 59 different PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 told different lies and concocted different fabrications about the genetic makeup of the virus—the virus we didn’t have. Obviously, then, these tests would give unreliable results. THE PCR TESTS USED CONTRIVED SPECIMENS OF THE VIRUS WE DIDN’T HAVE.

BUT, don’t worry, be happy, because NOW, the CDC and the FDA say, they really do have actual virus samples of SARS-CoV-2 from patients; they have better targets for the PCR test, and labs should start gearing up for the new and improved tests.

In other words, they were lying THEN, but they’re not lying NOW. They were “contriving,” but now they’re telling the truth.

If you believe that, I have Fountain of Youth water for sale, extracted from the lead-contaminated system of Flint, Michigan.

Here, once again, I report virology’s version of “we isolated the virus”:

They have a soup they make in their labs.

This soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and all sorts of other random genetic material. Because the cells start to die, the researchers ASSUME a bit of mucus from a patient they dropped in the soup is doing the killing, and THE VIRUS must be the killer agent in the mucus.

This assumption is entirely unwarranted. The drugs and chemicals could be doing the cell-killing, and the researchers are also starving the cells of vital nutrients, and that starvation could kill the cells.

There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup, or that it is doing the cell-killing, or that it exists.

Yet the researchers call cell-death “isolation of the virus.”

To say this is a non-sequitur is a vast understatement. In their universe, “We assume, without proof, we have the virus buried in a soup in a dish in the lab” equals, “We’ve separated the virus from all surrounding material.”

Virology equals “how to spread bullshit for a living and scare the world.” Other than that, it’s perfect.





Wednesday, September 1, 2021



Part 3 – The List

By Gary Rosenberg

As I write this my state of California is burning, the country of Lebanon’s economy is in free-fall, Afghanistan has been abandoned by the U.S. after 20 years of self-serving fruitless intervention, the oceans are dying, our skies are covered by the filth of stratospheric aerosol  spraying of toxins, weather is being manipulated, reservoirs are drying up, the arctic ice continues to disappear, multiple species are becoming extinct and our military is terraforming the planet. 

We are faced with an existential threat from within and without which grows stronger every day and we remain fixated on the fear of Covid – 19. This is truly a sad statement of where humanity sits today.  We are under a mass mind-control operation unlike anything experienced in the history of Humanity’s evolution which will result in our mass extinction and we continue to deny this reality in the hope that our leaders will save us from ourselves.   I’ve discussed all of this with you before and these articles can all be accessed within my blog.

 I will not elaborate on this now.  What I will do is list the actions Humanity needs to take immediately or forfeit our sovereignty and existence as the Human Race forever.

Now is not the time to think that happy thoughts will save us.  That we need to raise our consciousness to a higher level to reach Nirvana.  That everything will turn out OK if we just do good things.  That some great wise leader will save us.  That somehow the disaster facing us will simply disappear. 

That’s not how this world works.  Know that we came from an Ancient Home of higher consciousness and entered the form of Humans for a purpose.  We are already immortal as that of God.  We are here to do work, not to escape.  We have a purpose and have been sent here by our Spiritual Family to fulfill it and help Humanity in its dire need.  We are not here on vacation.  When we leave here we go back to our Ancient Home to rest and consider what we did or did not accomplish.  If we did not accomplish our purpose – guess what, we come back. Now is the time to seek Truth and to act on it.  And, the time to do this is fast running out.


This really is a partial list and as you read through it you may see the need to add other items. It is in no particular order of importance.  The purpose of the list is to help us understand the work we need to do.  We have neglected much. Whatever work we choose to do will help the whole of Humanity and we must do this work with the greatest intention.

As individuals we need to do these things:


People become blind to their political beliefs.  This is a type of tribalism which no longer serves Humanity.  It has been manipulated to divide us among ourselves and keep us from the truth of what is going on in the world.  Know this and open yourself to the truth regardless of where it is presented.


Stop Being Distracted

Put down the cell phone, turn off the TV, let go of social media.  The subliminal messages in these media are powerful and attack your mind daily.

Seek Truth

Seek the truth about our world and who we really are.

Pay Attention

Pay attention to your environment.  Look up at the sky, look at the trees, look at the streams, look at the lakes and the oceans, look at the ground.  How much life do you see?  How much life do you no longer see?  What sounds do you now hear in your environment?  How does it smell?  Where do you find yourself spending most of your time?

Talk to each Other

Openly talk to each other about your observations, concerns, feelings, desires and fears.

Be Quiet

Take time to practice being  quiet and listen to your inner-self.  What is it saying to you?

Question Everything

Seek truth from your inner guidance system – from your inner Knowledge.  This is your connection with Divine Source.

Be Fearless

We are immortal as that of God.  We have nothing to fear.  We never die. What fears we do have are fabrications of our personal minds.  Our inner-mind or Knowledge is fearless.

Embrace Your Purpose

Openly ask the Divine Source, the Universe, what is your purpose? Why are you here?  What are you here to do?  Then be patient.  You will get your answer often in subtle ways.

As a collective Human Race we need to do these things:


This has been expressed in the past many times.  The fact is in The Greater Community and larger Universe we are considered one race, the Human Race.  The Universe sees us as one race.  It is we who insist on seeing ourselves as a divided people.  We view our diversity as division and this is the persistent mistake we make.  There is diversity among the Human Race just as there is diversity in Life. 

However, we are but one race, one species among a Universe of billions of races.  It is this misunderstanding that has been used to our disadvantage and has allowed us to be manipulated into fighting each other and destroying our planet in the process. If we are to have any chance of overcoming the greatest existential threats facing us (and there are many) we must unite as one Humanity sharing one planet with equal value and common interests. 

The longer we persist in our divisions the more certain our demise becomes.

Stop Exploiting the Planet’s Resources

We live in a finite physical world of form.  It has limits.  Those who preach the unlimited abundance of the Universe do not know what they are talking about.  Our world can only continue to provide for us if we act as good stewards in harmony with Nature.  We have not done this.

What is the biggest user of the world’s resources?  Technology.  If you explore The Greater Community you will discover that those worlds of higher intelligent races all experienced destruction of their resources due to their enslavement to technology and the unending requirement of natural resources to demand ever more minerals, water, land and energy for its development.

Technology is neither good nor bad.  It is how we use it and how much of it we demand for our civilization.  We are following the path of many failed civilizations of The Greater Community and this is not the model we want.

In addition to our love affair with technology we love to consume, especially the wealthy nations.  Simply put, this needs to stop.  Most of what we consume is unnecessary ‘stuff’ which we think makes us happy.  The absurdity of human overconsumption is beyond the pale.  It is simply ridiculous and mindless behavior.

 Manage Our Population

At 7.8 billion people and the consumption behaviors of the wealthy nations we are over carrying capacity. While poorer nations tend to have more children per family than do the rich, the rich consumption demands place a greater burden on the planet. 

There has been much discussed about the carrying capacity of the planet but the reality is we cannot continue to procreate as we have in a world of depleting resources.  Managing human populations is necessary.  The question is how it should be accomplished and who will make those decisions?

Work with Nature, Stop Trying to Control It

Mother Nature is messing with us. She’s a cruel mistress. Right now, there’s coronavirus. And SARS, Ebola, lightning, floods, locusts, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders… all of these horrible things are products of Mother Nature.” John Cumbers, CEO, SynBioBeta

The above attitude which is prevalent with technologists is why our world has, for great reason, become what it is.  This is a consciousness of separation from God that is so prevalent in The Greater Community which is a whole Universe of separation from God.  We are currently part of this Universe and therefore influenced by it.  However, it is this consciousness which needs to change if Humans are to survive.

The consciousness of separation from God which deludes us into thinking we are ‘gods’ has emboldened people like John Cumbers to believe they can successfully manipulate Nature.  This is a “fool’s errand” and has manifested the dying planet we now find ourselves on.

Examples of manipulation of Nature include:

Genetic engineering including artificial intelligence, vaccines, gene therapy, artificial foods, GMOs, biolabs throughout the world creating new viruses for biowarfare and experimentation with all kinds of life. 

Geoengineering or the purposeful modification of the weather with disastrous results including totally disrupting our hydrological system.  There is no more natural weather.  It is all synthetic like so much of the world we have accepted. This is the major cause of ‘climate change’ the government and military do not want you to know about.

Creation of all kinds of chemicals and plastics for convenience.

And, the greatest affront to Nature, Transhumanism or the marriage of humans and machines.

All of this is happening now.  It is not science fiction and it has happened on our watch.  We have accepted it because we thought we wanted it or because we chose not to pay attention.  Now we need to pay attention and take corrective action.

Demand the U.S. Military Come Under Civilian Control

President Dwight Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex in his farewell address January 16, 1961.  Since this warning was ignored the U. S. military has raged hegemony over the world in the name of ‘freedom’ and democracy.  It is totally out of the control of our Congress and the people of our country and it has become its own super power.  Every new technology of consequence has been developed by and for the military and what has been handed to industry for consumer use (like cell phones) has a role in controlling populations.  If you want to understand just how powerful and pervasive the military has become read the book Under an Ionized Sky by Elena Freeland.

Stop Wars, Just Stop It

The Peace Movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s is dead.  People have become totally complacent. Militaries across the globe directed by a small group of elites instigate wars for consolidation of resources and power.  This ongoing destruction in the face of a dying planet is pathetic.  War wastes necessary resources and is counter to Nature.  People across the globe need to come together and demand the end to war and hold those who instigate these crimes accountable.

Focus on Lives of Simplicity

With diminishing resources we will increasingly be required to live with much less.  Most of what we think we need, we don’t.  Simplicity does not mean boring.  In fact, with so much work to do to heal our communities and the world, life will be anything but boring if we accept what we need to do together to help salvage whatever is left of Humanity on a dying planet. 

A life of simplicity focuses on what we need and not on some manipulated idea on what we should want.  Simplicity means an appreciation for what Nature gives us with the intention to perpetuate this relationship as good stewards. 

We have left Nature.  We have left God.  We have become lost in a world of separation from God with no idea of why we are here and no interest to find out.  We may attempt to ‘find’ God with all kinds of spiritual promises of ascension, meditative practices and thinking good thoughts.  Yet, our world grows deeper into a consciousness of separation. 

Additional Challenges on the to-do List

This is an additional list of problems we have created which need to be addressed so you can understand the urgency of changing our priorities and doing the necessary work of ‘righting our ship.’

Nuclear waste all over the planet

Nuclear power plants which can go into melt-down anytime like Fukushima (still not resolved) and Chernobyl.

Unregulated genetic engineering

Soil depletion and decay

Oceans dying

The Militarizing of our ionosphere and troposphere (Star Wars)

Food shortages which will only grow with instigated droughts caused by geoengineering.

Water shortages

Ozone depletion

Alien intervention to control our planet with the help of self-appointed human ‘elites.’   (I have written about this before.)

There is a reason for all of what is manifesting in our world at this time and only those with the greatest desire to know Truth will make the effort to find out what this is.  Only those with the greatest desire to know Truth will seek the answers to what their purpose is and then get on the path to fulfill it.

The challenges we face are so vast that it will take many of us with determined fearlessness to carry Humanity forward. In order to do this we need to know the truth of our world no matter how hard it is to accept and stop running away in denial.  We need to know that we are not here to escape.  We came here as spiritual beings on a mission to reclaim ourselves and others from the consciousness of separation from God.  We came here to do God’s work and at some point we all return to our Ancient Home to rest and take on our next mission and then the next mission and the next.

We are eternal creations of God with great power and Knowledge as that of God.  It is time we act as God’s creation and wake up from our slumber; reject the mind control of the consciousness of separation and connect with our inner mind – our soul. 

No matter what influences from the Greater Community have intervened in our Humanity, we all still carry God’s Light.  It is what makes us who we are.  It is this Light which gives the Greater Community hope that we spiritual beings in Human form will rise up and take back our sovereignty as the Human Race.  That we will fulfill ourselves as one of the wise worlds of the Greater Community and evolve into an expression of God’s Grace.

These are simply words from a humble member of the Human Race expressed with the hope that at least some who read them might be moved to act.  For it is action we need to take and it is action with the right intention which can yet move Humanity in the right direction.

Monday, August 16, 2021



By Gary Rosenberg


What are the ways to get to Knowledge?  What are the ways to discern the true from the false?   It is Knowledge which shows the way to Truth.

To gain Knowledge one must first desire Truth. One must set the intention to seek Truth.

To activate Knowledge, one must practice seeking Truth. 

One must trust God, the Universe and our Teachers.

One must be observant without judgment and pay attention to one’s inner knowing.

In our world of form, of 3D there is much deception, half-truths and illusions all for the purpose of individual self-benefit.  This is due to our separation from God which makes us feel separate from each other, Nature and The Greater Community.

In order to gain access to Knowledge we have to accept our interconnection with everything.  We have to accept that our thoughts and actions affect the wider Universe including the Greater Community.  We have to try and think about how our thoughts and actions affect the Whole.

Seeking truth in our world means asking questions of those we engage with, of ourselves, of our Teachers and of the Universe.  Always seek validation of any statement of truth.

Know that Truth is neither good nor bad.  It is Truth.  Our world is part of God’s Creation which has certain Laws and Truths.  The Universal Laws are always enforced and it is these Laws we need to reference when seeking true from false.

For example, the Universal Law of Oneness tells us that everything is connected.  Nothing goes untouched by what we do, say or think.  What we do on this planet affects the wider Universe in terms of energy, thoughts and manifestations.

Gaining access to Knowledge requires a confidence in ourselves to know what is true or false.  To accept what is real and to embrace this reality as Truth.  Living in denial does not change the Truth and only keeps us from doing the work we are here to do.

There is a bridging of the physical and the spiritual/energy/consciousness worlds.  The physical world is comprised of manifestations or expressions of consciousness/intention. Quantum Physics has shown us this.

Our intuition or sixth sense is a way we can discern true from false.  It can be a feeling or simply ‘knowing.’  To gain Knowledge we must practice this sense or knowing and pay attention how often we are correct or not.

There are those in the world who speak truth.  We need to pay attention to those we gravitate to and validate if what they say or teach is true or false or half -truths.

 Be willing to experience new things, meet new people, listen to ideas without judgment.

Be willing to take risks.

Become a good listener:  Listen to other people, listen to your Teachers, listen to your Inner Self.


Monday, August 2, 2021



By Gary Rosenberg


We are well over a year into the Covid-19 Event and after daily mind- numbing media blasts of fear and division while only a short respite from such terrorism we now find sectors of the world drumming up more of the same behavior modification programming with the “Delta Variant.”

As the media madness around Covid-19 rages on let’s consider how and where Humanity’s time and energy has been spent in the most orchestrated global mass mind control in history:

Quarantines, lock-downs and shut-down businesses resulting in heavy negative impacts to economies

Huge national debt,

Lost jobs

Masking and social distancing

Social divisions between vaccinated and unvaccinated

Huge profits by pharmaceutical companies

Increased suicides with surprising rise in child suicides

Total distortion of science with the media calling applied science “the science” and pure science as “conspiracy theorists.”

Unprecedented censorship

So called “experts” with no medical expertise

Conflicts of interest.

Lies, distortions, hypocrisy, changing narratives and personal agendas


All of this becomes a strategy for social control on a global scale.  Why?  What’s really going on?

First recognize that we live in a highly toxic world with myriad synthetic chemicals, nuclear waste, nuclear emissions, nano-particles of plastic, daily stratospheric aerosol spraying of nano-particles of aluminum, barium strontium and who knows what else, waste dumps piling up uncontrollably, a proliferation of toxic pharmaceutical drugs, illicit drugs, pesticides, herbicides, EMFs and whatever the so-called scientists decide to dream up next.

So, do you think people are getting sick?  Under this constant attack on our bodies, it’s amazing we have lasted as long as we have.

Then we have the total ecological collapse of the planet including the depletion of the Ozone layer and amazingly enough we’re all transfixed on Covid and now the ‘deadly’ Delta variant as the planet burns.

Know that the collapse of the planet’s ecological system is the collapse of Humanity and it is happening fast regardless of what your locale might look like.  The major cause of this collapse is geoengineering and only a few people talk about this while the population is transfixed on the ‘virus’ which has never been isolated, only identified as genomic code by the Chinese and is likely a bioweapon based on the book, Is Covid-19 a Bioweapon by Dr. Richard M. Fleming.

We live in an insane asylum where the majority of people go about their daily lives with the hope someone else will fix the problem and totally ignore the world around them.  For those who demand truth, the solution to the myriad of existential problems we face is not the vaccine, it is an awakening of the human population to what is really going on.

Enter the Alien Intervention

I would suggest that before you continue reading you take some deep breaths, relax, open your mind to greater possibilities for what Life is about and try to remember one important thing:  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  We are much more than we seem.

I will not get into a deep spiritual or metaphysical discussion as I have links to this kind of information for those interested.  However, what we call Life goes well beyond what we are experiencing in our world and beyond what our minds can comprehend at this time.  The purpose of this paper is to awaken people to the truth of our world and why humans and our world are in such turmoil – and offer some suggestions on what we as the Human Race need to do to persevere and evolve into sovereign creations of God.

The planet Earth has been visited or intervened by other intelligent life for Millennia.  Most of the information on these interventions or colonization like the Atlanteans, Pleiadians and Lemurians has been handed down through word of mouth.  However, there is one great gift that past civilizations have left us and states in writing how humans as we are today have come into being:  The Sumerian Tablets.

These tablets written almost 6,000 years ago in Cuneiform have been deciphered by numbers of people, the most noted is Zechariah Sitchin.  For those who may be interested I highly recommend you do your own exploration of this extraordinary event in Human/Earth history.  You might start with Sitchin’s first work, The 12th Planet.

The Sumerian Tablets tell the detailed story of how some 450,000 years ago our planet was visited and later inhabited by an extraterrestrial species called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came here principally for Earth’s minerals and other resources which could be used for maintaining their way of life.  Their intention was to exploit the planet for what they wanted beginning with gold mines.

The stories of the Anunnaki are interesting because they depict a species who were technologically advanced and spiritually and emotionally immature (DNA of the Gods, Chris H. Hardy, PhD).  They brought to our world much technology we see today including computers, smart phones, space travel, genetic engineering, energy technology and cities.  They also brought Patriarchy, conflict, weapons of mass destruction, a desire to dominate Nature and an ego-consciousness of separation which permeates our world today.

They used slaves called the Igigi to work in the mines for 150,000 years until they rebelled. In order to fulfill the mining needs, one of the leaders of the Anunnaki, Enki set out to genetically engineer Homo Erectus to be capable of working in the mines.

There were many trials, mistakes and monster creations manifested over time.  With the first ‘workable’ lulu created it was found they could not procreate.  Enki realized he could not continue to clone these workers for as many needed in the mines.  He worked with Ninhursag, a superior geneticist and “Mother” of Homo Sapiens who helped him, “come up with a human couple who could be a match for their own mind and culture.” (DNA of the Gods, Hardy, page 93).

We humans are a hybrid species whose ancestor, Homo Erectus was genetically engineered and this genetically engineered life form then procreated with the existing Anunnaki on the planet to form our civilization of hybrid species, Homo Sapiens.

However, as I alluded to earlier there have been a number of Alien visitations to our planet throughout its history.  The Anunnaki was just one such ET intelligence influencing our world.  There have been more and their influence is strong.  They have come for our resources and control of the planet.  They have technology far superior to ours including genetic engineering, mind control, climate engineering, dimensional travel and engage in interstellar trade.

As humans living on the planet Earth, we have entered the Greater Community of worlds in a Universe of separation from God.  This is not some biblical jargon.  This is real, it is the world we live in and we need to come to grips with it because it explains everything going on. For those who find this difficult to grasp I would suggest it is because to understand the spiritual world and how it affects our physical world of form you need to go beyond reason. 

Humans have been totally unprepared for this and even with some extraordinary guidance we have made huge mistakes which will take us thousands of years to begin to correct only if we find it within ourselves to accept the truth and take appropriate action.

Why do you think such bizarre things are going on right now?  At the same time our planet is in total ecological collapse, we are focused on a ‘virus.’  Yet people demand life get back to ‘normal.’  We have another sector of the Human Race who can’t wait to get to Space, Mars and beyond.  We create deadly networks of 5G satellites in space and on the ground, we are infatuated with genetic engineering and have established dangerous biolabs all over the planet, governments seem only interested in surveillance and control and we continue to consume  relentlessly depleting our resources.

People continue to look to governments to fix everything and it is these same governments which are causing the problems. Is this not insanity?  We are truly a slave species as described in Michael Tellinger’s book, Slave Species of god.

The evidence of ET intelligent beings here on Earth now and for quite some time is widely available and it is quite clear that governments have intentionally covered up this truth.

In 1997 Jim Marrs (December 5, 1943 – August 2, 2017) published a remarkably researched book, Alien Agenda.  Marrs’ research takes us through a documentation of modern history encounters with ET manifestations which combined with the sources of this information makes for a compelling new appraisal of our world.  It also documents a conflict between sectors of our Military; those who wanted to disclose the Alien presence and those (the CIA) who wanted to cover it up. 

The enhanced UFO sightings began in 1947, the same year the National Security Act was passed and the CIA was formed.  Beginning in 1947 the U.S. Airforce began to explore if these sightings posed a threat.  The program operated under the code names Sign, Grudge and Blue Book.  In 1952 the CIA notified the Airforce that they were taking over the UFO research and it was no longer the jurisdiction of the Airforce (which of course reported many of the sightings.)  This began the cover up.

In 1953 President Eisenhower established a parallel research and study program, Project Gleem which was changed to Project Aquarius in 1966.

In 1958 an abandoned and operational UFO was discovered in Utah with technological data only some scientists could understand.

In 1966 the United States established contact with aliens and “felt relatively sure the Aliens’ exploration of Earth was non-aggressive and non-hostile…”  (Alien Agenda, Jim Marrs, 1997, Page 113)

In 1972 The CIA approached Harold Puthoff, who with Ingo Swann worked on psychic research, was approached by the CIA.  The CIA was concerned with the Soviet Union’s work in parapsychology and wanted to engage their work for the CIA.  This began the government's Remote Viewer program which uncovered much about the ET phenomena.  So, while the CIA was covering up the Alien presence as “conspiracy,” they were heavy into work in this area.  (Alien Agenda, Jim Marrs, 1997, Page 303)

Independent research on the UFO/ET phenomena has continued for decades, most of which has been discounted as “conspiracy theory.”  The CIA and governments throughout the world have done an excellent job of hiding the truth because the ET beings want to do what they are doing here unimpeded for as long as they can and certain self-appointed human groups have obliged.

Linda Moulton Howe, an independent investigator who has been researching animal mutilations and the ET phenomena for over 30 years has uncovered truths about the Alien Intervention which have been substantiated by others including Jim Marrs, Col. Philip J. Corso (May 22, 1915 – July 16, 1998), David M. Jacobs, PhD, Maj. David Morehouse , Dr. J. Allen Hynek (May 1, 1910 – April 27, 1986) and so many more. 

There are a number of recent interviews with Moulton Howe three of which I will cite now and can be seen here, and here.

Below is a summary of three interviews: 

May 5, 2021 with Alexis Brooks (2018)

Secrecy is being enforced by ETs who do not want us to know there is inter-breeding going on.  (This is explored more in the works of David M. Jacobs, PhD. Which will be discussed below).

The goal of government is to block Nature and collapse Earth’s magnetic field, because we know we are in a Universe where other intelligence takes advantage of these magnetic field collapses.  Portals open up with collapsing magnetic fields. Lt. Philip Corso talks of places that have active portals.

The ETs came to the government with technology which we see manifested throughout life today.

The underground Alien presence on Earth as an existential threat to humans. There is a secret war with some non-human ET group(s). (Consider that in the Sumerian Tablets they talk about wars between different Anunnaki factions.)

The agenda of the 1% totalitarian regime is that Earth becomes a barter machine with other life forms in the Universe.  In fact, that is the direction we are in now.


December 15, 2020 with Howard Hughes

There has been a harvest of genetic material from this planet.

One of the big pieces of the Alien Agenda of ETs is to harvest genetic material to mix and match genetic material from humans. 

ETs harvest genetic material, terraforming the planet (Terraforming is the hypothetical process of deliberately modifying the atmospheretemperature, surface topography or ecology of a planetmoon, or other body to be similar to the environment of Earth to make it habitable by Earth-like life.) (Geoengineering?)

We are one of the genetic experiments with the ETs.  We are an ET experiment.

The controllers will keep all this secret as best they can and have been doing so from 1947 to the present.

We have been lied to by policies of denial.  FDR was aware of space vehicles – with clones.  Truman in 1947 was told in June of that year of reports of 9 craft/saucers.  One week later a craft crashes in Roswell.

By getting people on Mars, it will not matter what happens on Earth.  Certain humans in some form will survive on other planets. 

A lot of the UFO phenomena interacting with this planet is Artificial Intelligence.  So much of what we see in our skies is AI.

June 20, 2020 with Alexis Brooks

The government knows that Earth is considered to be laboratory property by at least 3 alien groups for the last 250,000 years

Alien intelligence beings have been manipulating DNA.

Certain individuals with the United States and its WW II allies took it upon themselves to negotiate a treaty of collaboration with the ET presence in the 1960s.  This gave permission to Alien groups to trade technology for mutilations and abductions?

The whole history of Earth is due to the competing ET civilizations.

We have been engaged with interstellar trade since 1972 with one or more ET civilizations. What are they trading?  Everyone likes and needs gold.  We have been receiving scarce elements.

The planet had been divided up by the ET groups for control.  Three of the competing ET civilizations do not have the same experimental priorities.

Note that the only commodity is trade.  These three groups trade amongst each other.

So, what is the Alien agenda in this world?  Nothing less than total control of the planet for its resources.  The ET beings see human and all life as simply an experiment to create whatever it is they need for their own survival.  A big part of this agenda is genetic engineering which includes human abductions for sexual gametes and to help in the creation of human hybrids and more advanced hubrids as discussed in David M. Jacobs book, Walking Among Us (Disinformation Books 2015). 

Human abductions have been going on for decades and Dr. Jacobs 30 - year investigation provides detailed information from abductees through hypnosis to corroborate much of what has been discussed here.  Not only are Alien beings in our world but there are likely thousands if not hundreds of thousands of genetically engineered hybrids among us who are totally aligned with and subservient to their ET creators and their agenda of intervention and control of the planet.  These hybrids are now influencing in governments, corporations and other institutions all over the world.

Then there is the detailed description of the Alien Agenda painstakingly researched and delivered in Elana Freeland’s book Under an Ionized Sky.  This could be the most important book of the 21st Century and while she doesn’t say so, she is reporting to us the manifestations of the Alien Intervention in its creation of a world-wide Technocracy:

“An era of Nazi mental rape and extreme human rights abuse is upon us.  DEWs assure plausible deniability in a jurisprudence system foundering on a bygone age.  RFID readers track our driver’s licenses and subcutaneous nanosensor microchips. Discs like stadium loudspeakers direct bi-phase polarity frequencies from microwave towers.  The Homeland Smart Grid is locked in place for the Space Fence Transhumanist Age speeding humanity toward an ‘enhanced’ future.”

-Under an Ionized Sky, Page 339

God Speaks

In 1996 a humble Presbyterian Minister, Marshall Vian Summers began hearing a sound in his head: “Please receive us, please receive us.”  He was not sure what this was but did not want to get involved and ignored it.  After some time of hearing the same message he accepted and the beginning of a Divine Message unlike any Humanity has received began – for 40 years.

The request to “receive” was from a group of beings on other worlds combining their telepathic powers to make contact with Earth.  They referred to themselves as the Allies of Humanity and their message was a warning: “Humans were fast entering the Greater Community of worlds and were woefully unprepared. “The Allies' message was long and detailed, comprising 4 Books.  It described a Universe of billions of worlds of higher intelligent life, how it functioned, the trade and interventions that went on between different races of different worlds, how these worlds destroyed their own planets with the desire for increasing technology and depleted their resources to do so and how many of them traveled the Universe in search of other worlds to exploit and sustain themselves.    

These are worlds of higher intelligence and technologically advanced.  They are also spiritually immature as the universe Earth resides in is a universe of separation from God.  The message goes on to explain what we must do and how me must do it to maintain our sovereignty.  We (or those who have chosen to represent Humanity for their own self-interest) have done much of what we were warned not to do including negotiating and trading with the Alien intervenors.   

The message said not to trust the intervenors for Humanity’s true allies would not venture out beyond their own worlds because it is too dangerous.  The Alien intervenors are powerful.  They do not use weapons.  They do not have to.  They are masters at mind-control and technology.  Humans are not advanced enough to resist this.  Thus, the world we find ourselves in.

However, we must resist no matter how challenging or dangerous this may be.  For the future of humanity depends on humans demanding the truth, that the intervenors leave and that those humans who have malevolently acted on behalf of all humanity be held accountable. The intervenors do not expect resistance.  They think they are too powerful and we are too weak.

The Allies message identified 4 parts to the Alien intervention:

1)      Influencing individual political and commercial power leaders.  Promising them technology, wealth and power.

2)      Creating hidden establishments in the world to project influence and ideas in a wide scale – as a pacification program, (i.e. entertainment, social media, gizmos, infatuations with sex, consumption of things, holographic spiritual images etc.)  Amplifying certain negative thoughts and emotions in the mental environment (i.e. fear and division)

3)      Manipulating spiritual and religious beliefs. While our spirituality is a gift we have to give the Greater Community, it can be manipulated and used against us.  The Universe is a universe of competing powers.  The ability of the intervenors to influence is centered in the mind.  There are many back-doors into our mind. In the mental environment unseen forces can be used against us (i.e. angels, saviors, etc.) The intervenors are masters of mind control.

4)      Hybridization programs to help integrate the ET experience into a human being. Create the ET/Alien leadership for our world.  These hybrid beings look human but fundamentally they are not. (Transhumanism)

The end goal is to present the intervention as a spiritual force, manipulating our spirituality.  The strategy of the alien agenda is to direct the actions of people in some way.

They want us to feel overwhelmed.  The intervention sets up conspiracy theories.

How to Counter the Intervention

We have to disclose and vocalize our rejection of the intervenors, their offers, their programs and their presence.  We have to vocalize our demand that they leave, they have not been invited, they have deceived and coerced people to do and sign things we as Humanity do not accept. For example, the Anunnaki genetically engineered Homo Erectus who never gave permission for such an experiment and whose evolution at that time was such that the Anunnaki truly took advantage of the situation for personal self-benefit (the creation of a slave-species.)

The intervenors do not anticipate dissent. 

Demand disclosure of the intervention of the ET presence.  Demand the intervenors leave.  At this time based on those who have been influenced it looks like we have welcomed the intervention – we have not.

Demand disclosure and accountability of the elite controllers who took it upon themselves to negotiate on behalf of Humanity with the ET intervenors.  These include the U.S. and its Allies from WWII.

Contact has begun.  It is an intervention.  We are the native peoples whether genetically engineered or not.

Three requirements of Humanity as expressed by the Allies of Humanity:


Unity (Reconciliation, restoration of faith in one another)

Discretion (stop advertising what we are doing to the rest of the Universe)

In addition to the Allies of Humanity Message in 1981 Marshal Vian Summers began receiving a major beautiful Message from the Angelic realm with volumes of works which can only be described as a gift from God.  It is a spiritual practice with wisdom and guidance unlike any I have encountered in my 7 years of a deep my spiritual journey.  I encourage you to take a look at it.


Where to Go from Here?

The Covid-19 ongoing event is nothing but a campaign of fear, distraction and control.  It is likely genetically engineered and released purposely or by accident but has not been proven to exist.  It is part of the Alien agenda of chaos being executed by aligned humans (and Alien engineered hybrids) who have been duped into accepting promises of technology, power, trips to Mars and other places of excitement for them.  The Aliens do not care about them as they do not care about us.  The human controllers are being used just as we are being abused.  The Alien mind-control operations are that powerful.

We first need to recognize our new reality and accept the truth of our world and nothing less.  As hard as this is, we also need to accept our true essence as that of God is immortal.  While our physical bodies perish, our inner light or soul is eternal and is here now to do work – the work of freeing Humanity from the Alien intervention and our personal and collective egos.

We humans need to unite as one Race if we are to survive with any future sovereignty in the Greater Community.  This does not mean giving up our individual freedoms.  It means working cooperatively to solve the myriad of problems of an agenda disassociated from the very Nature that supports us and that we are intimately connected with. The Greater Community sees us as the Human Race.  The constant messaging of tribal divisions is to make us weak and easy to exploit.

As more and more of us become aware of our true reality we need to try and be patient and compassionate with those who don’t.  Yet, we cannot compromise on the truth. We must pursue correction with wisdom, strength, Knowledge, integrity and fearlessness.  For we are here for a purpose and it is self-evident once we open ourselves to know and receive it.

The resistance needs to start now. We need to be talking about the Alien intervention in knowledgeable fashion recognizing the power the Aliens have and the power we have as sovereign beings as that of God.  What we begin in this lifetime will be carried over into the next advancing us and Humanity along the way.

I encourage you to take this seriously.  We are not here for vacation.  We are here to do work.  When we depart this world and go back to our Ancient Home, we will rest.  Then we will get our next mission. We are the warriors of Humanity.  We are the collective voice of Truth.  We have chosen to be here and we are not done – we have only just begun.












Friday, July 23, 2021



By Gary Rosenberg


Humanity’s purpose is not to dominate the planet, but rather elevate its collective consciousness and awareness as That of the Divine to express through its co-creation powers the Love, Goodness and Beauty of Divine Majesty


What of a world:

Where beings innately understand the interconnectedness of everything within this world.  They choose to live among all that exists in this world granted them by the Divine, live among all living things respecting them and cherishing what these Divine manifestations add to the wholeness of this world. 

These higher conscious beings (Umans) purposely choose to learn to communicate with other forms of life at a conscious level and preserve the world environment so that all may live in peace and joy. Anything taken from the environment for use by Umans is returned to its natural form with gratitude.

In this world Umans do not dominate, they integrate and as such they do not proliferate.  They are aware of their connection with Divine Intelligence and that they have been chosen by this Intelligence to act as co-creators in the Creation Process.  They are continually open to receive Divine Love, Goodness and Pleasure.  As they receive this positive energy, they bestow it on all that surrounds them. This world which Umans find themselves in is their opportunity to learn their powers as co-creators with the Divine, use them wisely and only for good.

As Umans they require food to maintain their physical forms and work with the soils, minerals, forests, rivers, mountains, weather patterns, climate changes, air and energies of this Mother Planet (Hearth) to grow or create the energy sources necessary to sustain their physical bodies. Such sources are bountiful and Umans are grateful for their presence.  They choose not to use other higher conscious animal forms as food and whenever they eat vegetarian forms of food, they express their gratitude for what these Divine manifestations provide them.

Umans see their purpose as stewards of Hearth, the gift to them from the Divine.  They understand that to become the best co-creators they need to learn the ways of the Creator, the Divine and that Hearth is their School.  Their education curriculum includes Metaphysics, The Universal Laws, Physical Sciences, Ecology, Astronomy, Astrology, Farming, Gardening, Uman/Animal interdependence, Sustainable Mining, City Planning, Infinite Energy and its use, Raising of Consciousness including Telepathy, Out of Body Experience and Transplane Travel. 

Umans do much of their communication telepathically and have the ability to intercommunicate through telepathic means with other entities on other planes who help Umans in their own conscious development.

Umans live in cities with large swaths of open space in between and much of nature within these cities.  These cities are built up to use as little land as possible saving it for the Hearth’s energy to flourish.  Umans have all that they need and they have found they need little in the way of material possessions.  For what they all possess is all around them in the beauty of the Hearth.

Within cities, Umans walk a lot.  They understand their own immortality and are never in a hurry to go anywhere or accomplish or do anything.  They rather spend time in the moment of whatever they are experiencing.  They know they are timeless.

Travel for distances, say between cities is done through self-driving transit systems which run efficiently and carry multiple Umans at any time.  Umans have no difficulty getting from one place to the next.

Umans are healthy vibrant beings who cherish good health as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  They never take nor eat more than they need for they know that the Divine always offers them an abundance of whatever they need to exist and lead fulfilling lives.

Umans play multiple roles in their lives based on their schooling, interests, creative spirit and desires.  These roles all add to the collective needs of the Uman society and for this active participation each Uman gets whatever they need whether food, water, housing, clothing, medical attention, entertainment, transportation or education. 

Uman society creates the physical infrastructure to sustain and advance themselves, but they do not have a money or transaction system as Humans do.  Umans’ consciousness is developed such that they never take more than they need.  They gladly add their skills, knowledge and expertise to whatever they are best suited for and interested in to benefit Uman society whether this be teacher, doctor, farmer, miner, mechanic, electrical/energy developer, city builder, scientist, etc. 

Based on the needs of society and the abilities of the Umans, they procreate at a rate which allows for the necessary number of Umans to sustain a healthy and vibrant society.  They have also developed technology which does much of the work necessary for Uman society, so that Umans can focus more attention on raising their consciousness and expressing Divine Goodness in the arts:  Music, carpentry, painting, sculpting, and more.

With such a high level of consciousness money is not required.  Umans simply go to what we might call stores and take what they need.  No one takes more than they need because there is no fear of not ever having what they need.

Umans are not perfect and they do make mistakes.  When mistakes are made, they recognize their mistakes and work to correct them, knowing that this is how they learn.  Umans do not blame others for their mistakes.  Umans are not judgmental.  Instead they forgive others for their mistakes and work to help them correct mistakes as a learning experience.

Umans are peaceful.  What Humans call weapons are non-existent.  Such creations have never crossed their consciousness.